Our Public Events
We normally run three public ticketed events per season.
October half term: The Creepy Cosmos - A family show (5+) exploring the creepier side of our Universe.
Near Xmas: The Star of Bethlehem - A presentation about the possible origins of the phenomenon (10+).
February half term: Guide to the Heavens - A general show about our Solar System for families.
We announce these events in advance on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Be sure to follow us.
Our public events are booked through the Nidderdale National Landscape AONB office. Nidderdale AONB Events. Ticket release is also announced on our Facebook page and Instagram (@limetreeobsy).
Or see the Contact page for details.
If you would like to sign up to our email subscription service including ticket alerts, please send an email stating so to: limetreeobservatory@gmail.com
Private bookings are also available here.